Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So many of you know I go to the University of Utah, which means....LOADS of driving. I drive to and from Orem and Salt Lake three nights a week. Since I have driven this stretch of road the past few semesters, I have come to memorize all of it. I think I could drive it in my sleep now. About a month ago my radio died I'm my car so now I am left alone with my thoughts while I drive, annoying right. Well tonight on my way home from school my brain was off in wonderland and all of a sudden I wondered to myself when did I get in the fast lane?? I usually drive in the middle lane most the way and I didn't remember consciously getting into the fast lane! I realized I had been on autopilot for at least 20 min! After thinking hard about it I could vaguely recall signaling to get over to the fast lane to pass a slow car, and then just stayed there.
Now me being alone with my thoughts in my music-less car I started to wonder, How many other people do this, maybe not with driving but just in life?? How much time do we auto-pilot through in our daily life just doing each of our own repetitive day to day tasks?? One of the classes I am taking is called Death and Dying...(kinda morbid I know) but the class has gotten me thinking about really making the most of living! It scares me to think how much of my life is spent in auto-pilot. So now Im trying to come up with good ideas to take my life out of cruise control and give the mundane boring things in my life a little more meaning!
How many others out there catch themselves doing this? Or how do you spice up the routine day to day parts of your life?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I make it hard for Landon!

So I love being surprised but I don't make it easy! I am always telling Landon that I want him to surprise me and be a sweet and cute husband, but then he is married to me and I have to make it the hardest thing to do. I have to be in the know! I ask way too many questions so that I know what is going on. Landon is the worst lier in the world. These to combos make it almost impossible to surprise me, I ask questions and Landon tries to lie to keep the surprise a surprise, but then I can tell he is lying and get mad and he ends up telling me. So much for that surprise!
And then I am really impatient! So if there is something that I'm eyeing, I want it as soon as possible! Case in point, my favorite author released a new book and I wanted to read it so bad! We didn't have any spending money left until our next payday so I had to wait! Payday came around and Landon thought it would be cute if he got the book and surprised me with it when I got back from school. Well that never happened...I left early for work so I could stop by Target and pick the book up that morning so I could start reading it! After getting home from school I showed Landon what I got, and ruined his whole surprise! I still gave him the credit for remembering and trying to do something so sweet for me.
So either Landon is going to have to get better about lying about surprises or I have to be more patient, who knows if either of these will ever happen so that Landon can finally pull of a surprise for me!

Also go check out my new curtains at my other blog Make it better yourself!