Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy! So very happy!

I am so happy with my life right now! Not because its perfect but because its mine and its heading somewhere amazing! Working full time and going to school full time can lots of the time be a pain. But Im going to school for something I love and get to graduate next year which Im so excited about! And I work doing something I enjoy with people I love and laugh with all day! And my wonderful husband! He is my everything, sometimes I take him for granted but then he does something for me even though he didnt have to and I realize how much he loves me! I love planning trips and adventures with him and thinking where we will be in 5 years! He makes me laugh and keeps me sane after long days of school and work! Cars break down, paychecks arnt as genorous as we would like them to be and bills most of the time litter our mail box, but im ok with it (most of the time, I am still human). I love my, most of the time broke, working our way through school, still trying to have as much fun as possible life! And I love my Landon!

1 comment:

  1. Awe! I like this post :) Isn't life, without fail, ALWAYS better when your sharing it with the one you love?!!
