Thursday, August 26, 2010

I love being a (U of U) student!

So I am here sitting on the TRAX train (which is always an entertaining experience in and of itself) coming home from school, contemplating life! This week is my first week in two years in which I am back to being a full time student, and I forgot how much I LOVE it!
So I put U of U in parentheses because I'm not here to boast any opinions of one school is better than another, more that I just love learning. For the last two years since Landon and I were married I have worked full time and done school on the side. But now that I am so close to being graduated I just wanted to get it over with.
During the time I was working full time I was always kinda depressed because I don't like the mundane of day to day routine. So when I started back this semester with my 24 credits (I'm crazy I know) I fell back in love with being a student! I love going to class and learning new things (not exactly paying or doing homework for said classes) and also making new friends and gaining new experiences!
One reason why I love the U so much is the amazing diverseness you see around campus. One of my teachers brought up this idea that when you surround yourself with like minded people there is only so much you can learn. But when your surrounded with so much diversity you have the opportunity to learn and grow so much more and your opinions and beliefs have the opportunity to be challenged and strengthened. I loved that, and that's how I feel!
So even though I'm probably going to have to sell a kidney or something to pay for my last two semesters of school, I can't wait, because I look back on everything I have learned and will learn and I can see how much I have learned and grown as a person! And I am stoked to get to graduate in May! And you better believe I'm going to be throwing a HUGE amazing party next year to celebrate, and everyone is invited!