Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thank God for Humidity...wish Utah had some...

So almost all last week I have been dying sick, no fun. On wednesday I went to the doctor and was told I had strep...then promptly banned from being anywhere near work. Strep and working in a hospital never works out to well. So I proceded to bore my mind out at home for the next few days. Landon was so sweet, seeing this is the first time I had been really sick since we have been married and he waited on me hand and foot as I got sick on top of my strep compleatly lost my voice, started hacking and weezing and being half near dead on the couch. I love my husband he is the best! Well my saving grace the $15 buck humidifier from walmart that I bought back in college. Me being an avid lover of the southern states and all that comes with it...utah is great but lacks the wonderful humidity! I will swear by it. You dont get as sick with humidity and you can get better faster! Landon was even great with my love of the humidifier and it running 24/7 in our small little apartment making it a sweltering...wet...almost good enough South Carolina in the middle of a summer imitation! Although nothing will be as good but it has brought my voice back and almost cured my cough in a few days, and compleatly gotten rid of my congestion. So when sick and in doubt wondering what to get at the grocery store to cure you...buy the humidifier!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you were sick but I'm glad you are feeling better:) Good job Landon for taking care of you.

